What do we need to boost our immune system?

In recent winters we are more concerned about our defenses and it is really important to be responsible for our health to improve the response of the immune system. We are lucky that we can prevent typical winter illnesses, especially all types of flu, with our diet and with some natural supplement.

The basics are: Water, good levels of vitamin D, foods rich in vitamin C, foods rich in zinc, certain herbs or spices and a good balance of intestinal microbiota.

Being well hydrated nourishes our mucous membranes preventing them from being damaged and if we also add sea water, we promote better functioning. In this case a good ratio is (2/3 mineral water and 1/3 sea water).

Vitamin D
It is actually a prehormone that circulates in the blood activating or deactivating certain cellular mechanisms. Our body can synthesize vitamin D through sun contact with our skin, but in winter there is much less sun exposure and a daily vitamin D supplement is advisable. This improves the maintenance of the intestinal mucosa by making it impermeable and therefore preventing the passage of intestinal pathogens. It also stimulates the innate immune system which is the first line of defense, which has a quick reaction to any infection. But it also activates the adaptive immune system by increasing lymphocytes, de-inflammation of tissues and improving immune memory. A daily intake of 800-1000 IU is recommended, without fear of its toxicity, since according to studies excessive doses of 50,000 IU are needed for months.

Zinc and Vitamin C
Foods rich in zinc are dark green vegetables such as green cauliflower, parsley, green pepper, courgette, celery, fennel… It is important to make broths or creams so as not to lose the mineral in the water. Pumpkin, seafood and asparagus pipes are also rich in it. This is found in all the cells of the body, apart from being part of the defenses it also participates in the healing of wounds, in preventing hair loss, strengthening the senses of smell and taste and for good bone growth and muscular The most recommended format in supplement form is zinc picolinate. Regarding vitamin C we must remember that it is lost when cooked and, therefore, we will obtain it from citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, kiwis, pomegranates, pineapples, lemons and raspberries. In raw green vegetables such as green pepper, parsley, green endive leaves… This protects us against temperature changes, increases the capacity of immune cells to destroy microbes and increases the production of lymphocytes that are the creators of the antibodies. The most recommended supplement format is in ascorbates.

Herbs and Spices
Nature provides us with treasures such as the healing spices and herbs necessary for this season: ginger, turmeric, cumin, cardamom, nutmeg, rosemary, cloves, cinnamon, lotus, thyme… You can cook with them or make nor infusions. A very basic and really useful one is ginger, cinnamon and lemon, which can be a great prevention against lung problems.

Intestinal Microbiota
Maintaining a good balance of intestinal bacteria is a great prevention against infections and diseases. Probiotics such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, vegetable yogurts, tempeh… are of great importance to incorporate. It is also necessary that these bacteria are well fed with prebiotics such as legumes, artichokes, apples, plums, oats and most vegetables and fruits.

At Bio Brots we also have products and complexes prepared in proportion to improve our immune system, such as:
• MARNYS DEFENSE PROPOLVIT (royal jelly, propolis, colostrum, shiitake, reishi and Vit. B6) • MARNYS LIQUID VITAMIN C (liposonade) • PLANT OLIGO ELEMENTS (zinc, copper, selenium) • PLANT REINFORCEMENT (lactoferrin, vitamin C and vitamin D) • PLANTIS LIQUID EQUINACIA (alcohol-free) • INTESA AV EXTRACT (propolis and echinacea extract, revinsara and cajeput essential oils) • SOLARAY VITAMIN C (delayed effect) • NUTERGIA ERGYMUNIL (echinacea, yarrow, grapefruit seeds, rosemary, olive, zinc, manganese and copper)

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