do you have insomnia
Insomnia is considered in cases of: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep or when sleep is not of good quality. If it is insomnia for days or weeks, it may be due to stress or changes in the environment, but if it is chronic (lasting more than three months) it must be treated and s
Joint pain, migraines, inflammation…
With the arrival of the first cold and wet weather, we often suffer some kind of pain: headache, joint pain, back pain, inflammation… anything we can do to temporarily alleviate these pains is of great help for us So a hot bath with salt, or a warm seed pad on the site of the localized [&he
Excessive hair loss and food
Hair, like the hair follicle, is part of the vital structures of our body, just like the skin and nails, it constantly regenerates and therefore its quality depends a lot on our long-term nutrition. It must be said that acute alopecia is not a symptom that usually depends on food, it is usually a
Feeling tired, inflamed and losing hair? Listen to your liver
In recent winters we are more concerned about our defenses and it is really important to be responsible for our health to improve the response of the immune system. We are lucky that we can prevent typical winter illnesses, especially all types of flu, with our diet and with some natural suppleme
What do we need to boost our immune system?
In recent winters we are more concerned about our defenses and it is really important to be responsible for our health to improve the response of the immune system. We are lucky that we can prevent typical winter illnesses, especially all types of flu, with our diet and with some natural suppleme
Fatigue due to change of season
Spring always comes with more hours of light and heat, and sudden changes in weather and rain, often accompanied by tiredness and fatigue that can last from 15 days to a month. The main symptomatology of a spring asthenia, now followed by the onset of summer, is mental fatigue, decreased concentr
Vegetarian Lovers
For those of you who love ALTERNATIVES and VEGETABLE PROTEIN… At Bio Brots, you will find a wide variety of fresh products, made by us, with all the necessary nutrients to cover the most demanding needs of the day to day we are living. · Vegetable burgers made at home from legumes, spinach
Environmental protection through our food
Caring for the planet should be one of our vital priorities. And this is possible, if each of us does what is within our reach. We have seen it with the stoppage of movement during this pandemic, nature has resurfaced like never before, we have seen animals approaching towns and cities, a greener
Nutrition and intestinal parasites
We start winter, and we need to have a strong immune system, and rich intestinal flora, for many reasons: to cope with viral pathologies, and to maintain optimal intestinal and mental health, since they are intrinsically related. So, can you observe if you feel tired, swollen abdomen, bad digesti
Strengthen the immune system
The current mobility of people between countries also causes a movement and a mutation of the virus, and together with sudden changes in temperatures has caused a drastic increase in the number of colds and coincides with a peak of the flu epidemic. The two diseases should not be confused, but bo