Welcome spring!

There is a magnificent spring combination of foods (we can easily introduce them in the form of liquid or smoothie): Reishi medicinal mushroom, kefir water, red fruits.
Spring tests our spirits and immunity, for this reason it is important not to let our guard down and from day one consume products that help us stay in top shape.
Smoothies and smoothies are a very good option for this season, since you get a lot of nutrients in a single glass and they also facilitate purification.
It is important to use a juice extractor (blender) that uses cold crushing (Cold Press) to avoid oxidation and loss of nutrients. You will find it at Bio Brots.
Another option that you will also find at Bio Brots is:

Probiotic and remineralizing
· It is a water drink that is fermented with kefir culture, giving it probiotic and remineralized properties.
· It is vitally important to take fermented foods and probiotics in the spring, as the intestinal flora needs to be prepared for the food change typical of summer and to be strengthened to increase our body’s defenses.
· It is also a great isotonic drink, thanks to the large contribution of minerals obtained during fermentation. It will be of great use to athletes or on very hot days.
· An ideal drink for weight control, as it provides very few calories and contains no sugar.

Restores immune system
· It is a medicinal Asian fungus which contains a multitude of properties for this season; it is a powerful antihistamine reducing the symptoms of allergies such as stinging, redness, inflammation…, a great liver tonic helping to purify the toxins accumulated during the winter, cardioprotective protecting us from hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, arteriosclerosis (atheroma plaques).
· It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals: Iron, Zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and group B vitamins, especially folic acid!
You can add them to all kinds of smoothies, smoothies, soups, creams, custards…

Other indications of interest:
• Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, apathy, fatigue…
• Weak immunity
• Allergies
• Inflammation of tissues, joints, mucous membranes…
• Insomnia, anxiety, stress…
• Repetitive infections: viral, bacterial and fungal.
• Cardiovascular diseases

Anti-inflammatory and diuretic
· Wild strawberries, gooseberries, blueberries, blackberries… these fruits so difficult to find in organic production are a treasure that must be taken advantage of when they are picked, since they provide us with an abundant source of antioxidants (vitamin C, anthocyanins, flavonoids), B vitamins and diuretics.
· In this season it is important to detoxify the body, drain fluids and de-inflamm the tissues so we will feel light, vital and mentally active. Nature has given us these fruits with their properties (diuretic, purifying, vitalizing…) to deal with allergies, apathy, fatigue, headaches…

Other indications of interest:
• Inflammation of tissues and joints: Dermatitis, arthritis, rheumatism…
• Diabetics: Poor in sugars.
• Slimming or cleansing diets.
• Constipation: Thanks to its contribution of fiber.
• Cardiovascular protectors: Thanks to antioxidants.
• Powerful diuretics: Good supply of potassium.

Every afternoon you will find it at Bio Brots.
Come get it!

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