Vegetable proteins + SEITAN


Vegetable proteins include legumes, nuts, seeds, cereals and some algae such as spirulina. It is important to consume them in greater quantity and frequency than animal proteins thanks to their contribution of healthy fats and fiber. It is for this reason that throughout history, man aware of this need has been developing products rich in amino acids of vegetable origin to further improve their contribution in a small amount of food. Tofu and seitan, concentrated proteins with all the benefits of the vegetable world that have their origin in China.


Vegetable protein based on a mass of gluten (not indicated for celiacs) that is boiled in a broth with Tamari and Kombu seaweed that enriches it in minerals and lysine (an amino acid deficient in cereals). Known as vegetable meat, for being a brown and spongy mass. Widely used in Buddhist cuisine, as they do not eat meat. With 24% of good quality protein and B group vitamins except B12.

Benefits of SEITAN

· Slimming diets; thanks to being low in fat and carbohydrates.
· High protein content with the advantage of being softer and more digestible than meat.
· Arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular problems: Contains no saturated fat.
· It does not contain cholesterol and helps to prevent it by being rich in fiber
· Contains very little fat, only 1%.
· Regulator of intestinal transit thanks to being rich in fiber.
· Diets for athletes: High in protein and low in saturated fat.
· Anemias: 100 gr. of seitan provide 5.2 mg of iron, its absorption is improved with vitamin C or citrus fruit
· Vegan or vegetarian food to provide all the essential amino acids and iron.

How to feed it

· Very versatile especially in stews and stir-fries due to its salty taste and meat-like consistency
· Sautéed with other vegetables
· Breaded
· Croquettes or hamburgers
· Sautéed with seaweed



Ingredients for 2 people:
• 1 flight of vegetables
• 1 package of diced seitan
• Olive oil
• Tamarind
• Curry

• Heat the oil in a pan and add the vegetables and sauté them for 7 minutes.
• Add the seitan and season to taste with Tamari and curry.
• Serve hot

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