UMEBOSHI; Elixir of Spring

Allergies, fatigue, mood swings, skin problems, digestive disturbances…?
Spring is one of the most demanding seasons for our immune and nervous systems. The cleansing organs begin to activate intensively, being more reactive to certain foods and if we combine this with pollen, humidity… a situation is created that can affect the immune system, generating the classic symptoms of an inflamed and intoxicated organism.
You need to be attentive to the first signs of spring to be able to help the body not to feel these processes so intensely.
From ancient China comes a star food with a great reputation and love for its inhabitants thanks to the great benefits for this season, spring; UMEBOSHI.

Umeboshi means dried plum, with the scientific name of Prunus nume. This tree is originally from China but is currently cultivated in Japan and Korea. It is very useful for health, especially once it is fermented.
The preparation of this plum is quite a ritual from its harvest to its consumption: They are collected and dried in the open air for a period of time and then pressed with salt and shiso leaves (Perilla Fruitescens ) from 6 months to 7 years to improve its preservation and taste.
Thanks to the long fermentation, it is very rich in citric and phosphoric acid, which give it the property of being a great blood alkalinizer, natural antibiotic, antiseptic and detoxifier.
It is known that sugar is one of the substances that causes the most acidity and demineralization, and it has been verified that with two plums the acidity caused by 100 grams of sugar in the body is rebalanced.

Being a great stimulator of the liver, it serves for the good digestion of fats, the purification of the body and the improvement of intestinal peristalsis thanks to a good function of the bile salts.

· Fatigue prevention: The body needs to be at an Alkaline pH in order to be in good condition, but food and stress today create a very dangerous metabolic acidosis, being a breeding ground for many diseases already which makes us susceptible to infections, weakening the liver and kidneys. Being rich in citric acid (more than lemon) it helps to metabolize and eliminate the lactic acid that is generated from the metabolism of food and excessive effort.
· Detoxifying: Being a stimulant, it activates the cellular functioning of the liver, intestines and kidneys (detoxifying organs of the blood and body).
· Dysentery, altered intestinal flora: It is antibiotic and antiseptic eliminating different intestinal microorganisms and is therefore beneficial in digestive disorders.
· Constipation: Thanks to its acids and pectins, it regulates bowel movements. Take every morning with a kukicha tea.
· Bad breath: It can be caused by digestive problems, stomach, intestines, oral problems…
· Dizziness: It is an indication of metabolic acidosis and a loaded liver
· Stimulates the immune system.
· Allergies: They are due to the exaggerated response of a very sensitive immune system that detects normal substances as dangerous. The consumption of umeboshi is of great help thanks to its alkalizing effect and the benefit for the intestinal flora (this is a modulator of the immune system)

· Al Natural: Taken as we buy it fasting, in the form of a plum or paste.
· Ume-so-bancha: It is prepared with a cup of kukicha tea, 2 teaspoons of tamari and a teaspoon of umeboshi puree, add a teaspoon of ginger juice or powder. Mix well and drink hot.
In cases of headache due to excessive consumption of sugar, alcohol, refined products, dairy…, cases of nausea, lack of appetite, fatigue, anemia.
· Onigiri: Mixed with rice balls. Especially in cases of a lot of stomach acidity and intestinal problems with inflammation.
· Umeboshi with Kuzu: Add 1 teaspoon of kuzu and a teaspoon of umeboshi paste to a cup of water, heat until it begins to boil. Especially for children and in cases of weakness, lack of vitality, cold, digestive and intestinal problems such as diarrhea.
· Umeboshi tea: Boil umeboshi in 250 ml of water for 30 minutes. Great summer drink, detoxifying and cooling.

So we can understand that it is always good to have Umeboshi at home, because it is a quick and effective remedy for many everyday ailments, which can range from headaches to allergies through all digestive disturbances and discomforts!

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