The need to purge after the Christmas holidays

The Christmas holidays are days of abundance and it is easy to overload the cleansing organs: kidneys, liver and intestines.

These coincide with the winter solstice, the time when our energy is more internalized and we need to strengthen the immune system. So it’s easy for an increase in sugar, fat, alcohol, meat and stimulants to weaken us, making us feel apathetic and unmotivated to start the day again. Symptoms of organic saturation may appear or increase such as migraines, renal colic, constipation, flu, eczema…
To clean the body and get rid of extra kilos these days it is important to do a semi purification and force the purifying organs to eliminate these excesses to regain fluidity and vitality. With just 4 tips for a week or even two, for those who want to perfect it more, you will manage to notice some great changes and refinement:

1. Eliminate sugars, stimulants (tea, coffee, cocoa) and fatty animal products such as dairy, eggs, pork, lamb and beef.

2. Increase vegetables, fruits and vegetable proteins such as legumes, tofu, seitan, vegetable burgers…

3. Turn dinner into a cleansing soup.
• One of the most recommended at this time is based on kombu seaweed and nettle, where kombu is one of the richest seaweeds in iodine, stimulating the metabolism, which is ideal after metabolic overload and sedentarism these days. Nettle is one of the most purifying and diuretic herbs helping to eliminate fluid retention. It also lowers blood sugar levels, is anti-inflammatory and stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

4. During the day (fasting and snack), it will be necessary to stimulate the purifying organs to move the accumulated toxins with a smoothie of pineapple or kiwi and chlorella powder.
• The fiber and enzymes of pineapple and kiwi have a great effect on the elimination of accumulated fats, intestinal and also liver toxins. Food is medicine if taken for at least a week.
• Chlorella is a rich source of highly bioavailable proteins, antioxidants, chlorophyll, beta carotenes and phytonutrients. It has a great ability to adhere to heavy metals and toxins from the liver, intestines and blood, expelling them from the system quickly, unlike some cleansers that simply mobilize them.


Purifying soup

Ingredients for 2 people:
• 2 chopped onions
• 1 branch of celery
• 4 leaves of kale
• 2 strips of kombu seaweed
• 2 tablespoons of dehydrated nettle + 1 glass of water
• 1.5 liters of water
• No salt, no oil

• Boil the onion, celery, cabbage and kombu in a bowl for 40 minutes
• Make a separate infusion with the nettle, letting it infuse for 5 minutes.
• Once the 40 minutes have passed from the broth, extract the kombu seaweed and grind it all together until a homogeneous texture is achieved. Add the nettle-infused water.
• Do not add salt or oil.
• The seaweed can be saved for the next day’s lunch, cut and sautéed with vegetables, whole grains or salad.

Pineapple and chlorella smoothie

Ingredients for 2 people:
• 3 slices of natural pineapple
• 2.5 dessert teaspoons of chlorella powder
• 4 glasses of natural water

• Grind everything together and consume in two meals: Fasting and snack

So just with these two recipes for at least a week you can get rid of the overload, fatigue and kilos gained these days.

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