Renal Energy, Vital

Winter with the arrival of the cold, it’s time to gather, nourish and rest, store renal energy. Our body asks us to warm up and make slow movements, just like nature, where everything is at a standstill.
We will tend to cook longer on a slow fire, the oven is also ideal for these colder months. We will use more calorific foods to help warm the body such as buckwheat, root vegetables, azuki beans, kombu seaweed, foods that will help nourish the kidneys, where we get our vital energy to face this station Currently, the need for cleansing and fasting is well known for its beneficial effects on health, but they must always be done correctly, at the time of year that suits the body best and on the right person. Well there are cases, especially in winter, that the metabolism needs the opposite; be revitalized, nourished and toned to be able to “warm up” your organs, maintain digestive, cardiovascular, reproductive and resting health. There are people who are highly affected by stress, cold, unbalanced diet, lack of contact with nature, sun and sleep. Many times they somatize their weakness in the digestive system which will be aggravated by food rich in raw foods, fruit, cold drinks, ice creams and sugars. (More typical of summer) These need more minerals (such as magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium), easily digestible proteins, quality carbohydrates rich in B vitamins, rest, more factors that help cell regeneration cellular and adaptogens to reduce the effects of stress.

In cases of stress and cold with low kidney energy, symptoms such as:
• Anemia, microcirculation problems, cold extremities, headaches… • Generalized pains • Imbalances in the cycle of sleep and wakefulness • Menstrual problems such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, clots… • Low defenses that can trigger colds, bronchitis, pneumonia… • Fatigue and especially after meals • Pain in the stomach area and abdominal inflammation • Vomiting • Slow digestion • Chills • Lack of appetite and thirst

Here, to combat these symptoms, especially when it’s cold, it’s important to boost digestive functions with hot foods and spoonfuls, easy to digest and phytotherapy, as we mentioned at the beginning:
• Creams, broths and miso soups based on onions, leeks or turnips • Increase legumes, cereals and pseudocereals such as quinoa, millet, beans, brown rice, oats… • Add black sesame, walnuts and pumpkin seeds • Use of spices, especially GINGER, CINNAMON AND GARLIC • Use of herbs: Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Liquorice, Fennel. • Supplementation with adaptogens and vitalizers such as Reishi, Maca, Ashwagandha, Q10 (Always ask a specialist which is the most suitable for your case) • Consume cooked fruit with spices: cooked apple with cinnamon and orange peel, pears with cinnamon and ginger, pumpkin compote with apple… • Increase fish • Increase consumption of natural salty foods (algae such as arame and kombu, sea salt, teriyaki, soy sauce, gomasio) • GREAT NEED FOR HARMONIOUS MOVEMENT!! Tai Chi, Pilates, Yoga, walking, dancing • Sunbathing: sunbathing at noon 15 min. • Don’t abuse processed cereals: pasta, industrial bread, sticks, cookies… • Don’t abuse fats • Reduce sweets (sugar, honey, dehydrated fruit, pastries…) • Reduce dairy products in general To prepare the system digestive system it is recommended to make a small glass of ginger and cinnamon infusion or a piece of macerated ginger 10 minutes before the meal.


Ingredients for 2 people:
• 200 gr. ginger • 200 ml rice vinegar • 100 ml water • 1 tablespoon of panela sugar • 1 dessert teaspoon of salt

• Cut the ginger into thin slices. Leave it to rest for 30 minutes so that it breathes and releases the juice • Once the 30 minutes have passed, put the ginger into a canning jar • Then boil water, vinegar, sugar and salt in a pot and mix. When it starts to boil, take it off the heat and add it to the flight where the ginger is. • Leave to cool and then put it in the refrigerator. • Leave it for 7-10 days before consumption. Suggestion: It can be added to salads, to accompany cereals such as quinoa or rice, before meals to prepare the digestive system, crushed in creams.

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