
At Bio Brots we look for solutions to the demands of our customers. That is why we have incorporated a new line of oncocosmetics to bring better times to difficult health.

Nutrition, rest, physical exercise and skin care are 4 important pillars to improve well-being and face the disease. During an oncological treatment, with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, our body, hair and skin can experience some changes and deteriorate, so it is a good time to take care of them and adapt to the new needs. Some dermatological alterations can be itching and dryness, infections, spots on the skin, lack of brightness, hypersensitivity … Skin dryness, due to drugs, is caused by an excessive loss of intercellular fluids that can cause redness, allergies, peeling and small wounds. It is very important in these cases to clean your skin daily, so as not to create more microorganisms that prevent the normal functioning of the epidermis. We think it is important to improve the feeling of well-being with ourselves during these difficult processes, and for this reason we are making known the way some of our collaborators work, with extreme sensitivity, making cosmetic products in an artisanal way , organic, natural and made with ingredients of vegetable origin and without chemicals. Aromatherapy and Ayurveda are an essential part of these products. Thus Dulkamara and Ecoeko understand that the relationship, body-mind-soul helps us to focus on our identity, harmony and helps to maintain a state of balance where we look for moments where we can pamper ourselves and take care of ourselves a little.

With their line of oils, bio emulsions and restorative balms, these artisan laboratories can help and guide you on how to take care of your skin and hair at times like these.

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