Nutrition and intestinal parasites

We start winter, and we need to have a strong immune system, and rich intestinal flora, for many reasons: to cope with viral pathologies, and to maintain optimal intestinal and mental health, since they are intrinsically related. So, can you observe if you feel tired, swollen abdomen, bad digestion? Or even itchy skin or scalp? are you sad Do you usually have low defenses with repeated infections? You may be dealing with an intestinal infection caused by pinworms, but its scientific name is Enterobius Vermicularis. This parasite usually affects children of school and pre-school age (5-13 years) and their immediate family, whether adults or children, but it does not affect pets. Their cycle is to enter the digestive system through the mouth where the eggs hatch in the small intestine, the larvae continue to progress and grow into the large intestine where they will become adults. It is here that they specialize as parasites and the head attaches to the inner wall of the intestine. If it is also true that the parasites have other areas where they hide and in the full moon they mobilize towards the intestine to follow their route. These other areas are the Liver, lungs, muscles, blood, skin, eyes… It is important to highlight the effect on the immune system. Well, these release some toxic substances through our body, causing the cells of the white series to constantly create antibodies to eliminate them. As it is not always effective, the system ends up being exhausted creating symptoms first of inflammation but then of exhaustion: angina, otitis, colds and even chronic fatigue.

· Itching around the anus especially on full moon nights. If it’s a girl, this itching can lead to vaginal irritation. · Irritability, insomnia during the night. · Wounds on the skin due to itching. · Abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea… when there is already a large amount in the intestine · Anxiety, nervousness, crying… · Loss of appetite and weight.

Many times they can be intestinally asymptomatic, but they can cause many other alterations that affect the immune, digestive, respiratory and nervous systems, such as: · Chronic fatigue, Allergies, Itching of the nose and genitals, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Anxiety, Depression , Chronic anemia, Pasty stool, Gas, Constipation, Irritable bowel syndrome, Dry cough, Bad breath, or even Bruxism. · These worms, especially in children, can be seen in the feces and underwear, they are thin and white with a length of 6-13 mm. · Conventional medical treatment is under medical prescription where it is repeated fifteen days later and the treatment of the whole family is advised.

Antiparasitic diet + antiparasitic treatment Very important is the consumption of fiber in the form of fruit, vegetables, seaweed, seeds and nuts. Vegetable protein in the form of legumes and animal protein in the form of fish, white meat, eggs. · Avoid refined sugars, cow’s milk and refined cereals. Fermented foods that nourish the intestinal flora such as kefir and goat or sheep yogurts, unpasteurized sauerkraut, unpasteurized miso. · Every day pumpkin pies, carrot, red fruits, pomegranate, thyme infusions, cloves, ginger, dandelion, coconut oil every day, artichokes, lemon juice, garlic, cumin, turmeric, propolis, papaya at dinner dessert. · Fasting the consumption of garlic extract (the amount depends on the age and weight of the person) or 2-3 cloves of garlic.

(Advised to start on full moon days) · Pure garlic. For an adult it is 2 pearls 3 times a day a few minutes before meals. · Garlic oil. One capsule with meals. · Citrobiotic (grapefruit extract) is preferable for children. The dose is best consulted by a professional, because it depends on weight and age. · Oregamar (Marnys), 1 capsule/day. · Coconut oil at every meal. · Coconut oil (Equisalud). 1 capsule in the morning. · Nutergia ErgyPar 3 doses between meals. · Nutergia My’cokyl 3 to 6 tablets / day. You should always ask a professional, although these products are natural depending on the conditions of the mucosa they can cause irritation.

· Wash our hands frequently, especially after going to the toilet and before eating. Hot water and soap. · Cut your nails frequently and clean them. · Do not bite your nails. · Disinfect the toilet every time it is used. · Shower in the morning. · Clean bedding and pajamas every day at a temperature higher than 55ºC. These measures also help us in situations like the current one where viruses run fast.

At Bio Brots, we will advise you by customizing your case and your situation.

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