Let’s prepare the skin for summer

The skin is the largest and most direct absorption organ in our organs, and it also has a memory.

Thus, it is necessary to take care of it, and protect it especially in the summer, as a prevention of possible damage from excess sun, stains, wrinkles, rashes or burns.
Initially, with food, we can increase the intake of vegetables and fruits in our diet. Especially foods rich in VitC. The strawberry is an allied fruit at this time for our skin thanks to the contribution of collagen and which minimizes the aging of our skin.


• Good daily hygiene, morning and night, with a natural cleansing milk or mixed water, to remove make-up and impurities from the face, such as those in the unscented “lilac” line with natural ingredients, ensures more brightness on the face.

• Hydrate ourselves from the inside, drinking 2 liters of water a day, as there is a greater tendency to sweat and lower our reserves. At the skin level, we can make a contribution of water with hydrolates or floral waters such as damask rose which, at the same time as hydrating us, will tone our skin.

• Nourish our skin with creams rich in silicon and amino acids that give the skin more resistance and more flexibility. We recommend Dulkamara’s Bioactiva Pf6 which stimulates the production of melatonin, ideal for delicate and reactive skin with a tendency to blemishes. After exposure to the sun to calm the epidermis we can prepare a mixture of calendula oil and macerated St. John’s wort oil to regenerate and calm our skin.

• Perform a gentle peeling, it is recommended once a week to remove possible dead skin cells and thus help to regenerate. We can do it with panela sugar or clays such as “agronauti” fine bamboo powder, rich in silicon, minerals and nutrients, or rosehip seeds, rich in VitC, we can combine them with a rich sesame oil in unsaturated fat and sunscreen.

• Facial mask once a week, we recommend the Ayurvedic and natural Khadi with Sandalwood, which refreshes, acts as a pigmentation prevention and protects against sunburn, we can apply it with rose water or vegetable milk.

• The Olis d’Archangela, have more than 25 vegetable oils and 13 essential oils, all bio-organic, which nourish, regenerate, repair, eliminate imperfections, bring firmness and light to the face, slowing down the symptoms of aging.

As much as possible, eliminate non-organic cosmetics or with petroleum-derived components, as they create a film on the skin that initially leaves a pleasant feeling to the touch but in reality, does not allow breathing and prevents cellular renewal. lular, unless it prematurely ages the skin.

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