Intermittent fasting with Kombucha

Fasting is one of the only food treatments that has been maintained over time thanks to its effectiveness against health imbalances.

But it is not always possible to follow a total fast and it is not recommended in certain cases. For this reason, intermittent fasting appears, which consists of not eating for a few hours a day, the most recommended is from snack to breakfast the next day, adding up to approximately 12 hours without food, although there may be variations according to each case It is recommended to do it for at least 2 weeks, but it can even be extended for months. To understand fasting it is important to know that the metabolism works in two states and seeks balance between them: Eating (absorption and creation of stores) and fasting (destruction and burning of stores). During this process it is recommended to consume organic food, especially vegetables, fresh fruit, a minimum of quality whole grains and proteins (tofu, seitan, quinoa, legumes, spirulina, white and blue fish, eggs and if necessary you can keep the meat to a small extent) Reduce dairy products, sugars, sweets, refined cereals, red and fatty meats, sausages, coffee, alcohol, chocolate…

• Type 2 diabetes, thanks to the decrease in insulin and blood glucose levels • Decrease in blood cholesterol • Decrease in blood triglycerides • Better liver function and de-inflammation • Cellular cleansing • Increased vitality • Decrease in pain and body inflammation in the form of pain • Headaches due to inflammation and intoxication • Improved vision • Improve digestive health (constipation, acidity, belching…) • Clear and awake mind • Fluid retention, cellulite, edema • Acne and oily skin • Improves the quality of sleep The KOMBUTXA drink, known as the fungus of immortality, is a natural probiotic that contains beneficial bacteria and yeasts for our intestines that when consumed frequently increases vital energy, alkalizes blood pH, strengthens the immune system and above all, it tones the intestinal flora, improving digestion and preventing abdominal inflammation. This is made from tea sweetened with sugar and fermented with yeasts and bacteria, the most common genera being: Acetobacter, Gluconacetobacter kombuchae, Lactobacillus and Pediococcus, and Saccharomyces, Brettanomyces and Zygosaccharomyces kombuchaensis. Being based on water and not milk, the gastric juices are avoided to digest the proteins and fats of the milk, making it easier for the microorganisms to reach the intestines. Suitable for intolerances or allergies to lactose, casein and of course gluten. Consuming it during the days of intermittent fasting allows you to increase the therapeutic level of fasting. When containing a point of teine, it is recommended not to consume it after 6 pm outside of meals to the extent of 4-5 small sips a day.

Example of the day (add kombucha between meals)

TO BREAK THE FAST (15 minutes before breakfast) Water with the juice of a lemon with a teaspoon of spirulina powder

Bean bread with grilled tofu and gomasi Mid-morning: Fruit

Spinach salad, spring onions, wild boar sprouts, strawberries, quinoa and gomasi Tender garlic and mint omelette

A handful of nuts or fruit (pineapple, strawberries, forest fruits) From 6 p.m. it is recommended not to eat until 7-8 a.m. the next morning.

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