do you have insomnia

Insomnia is considered in cases of: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep or when sleep is not of good quality. If it is insomnia for days or weeks, it may be due to stress or changes in the environment, but if it is chronic (lasting more than three months) it must be treated and studied so that it does not affect health.

Sleep helps the body and brain to function properly: It improves attention, memory, decision-making, creativity, physical endurance, digestion and metabolism efficiency. Thus, insufficient sleep is directly related to heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and a weak immune system. Before any natural treatment, it is necessary to rule out the presence of sleep apnea or the taking of certain medications that cause insomnia (antidepressants, antihistamines, blood pressure drugs, pain relievers and slimming products). If it is one of the cases you need to visit a specialist to apply the appropriate therapy. Treating insomnia first involves improving sleep habits and incorporating new routines. Modern life where screens abound, late night hours, stimulants and stress affects us in a very negative way.

The basic habits to consider are:
• Go to bed between 10-11 pm at the latest. • Have dinner 2 hours before going to bed and make it light. • Do not look at screens 2 hours before going to sleep. • Avoid coffee, tea or stimulants after lunch. However, some very sensitive people need to eliminate coffee from breakfast. • Consume foods rich in tryptophan at night: avocado, sesame, organic dairy products, wild blue fish, organic eggs. It is important that they are organic because they contain more nutrients and therefore the concentrations of tryptophan are higher. • Avoid drinking soups or a lot of liquid in the evening. • Stretching in the evening has a great relaxing effect on the nervous system. However, other times changing habits is not enough and you need help with supplementation. You can help yourself with natural products that do not cause addiction or a feeling of tiredness. The most important components of the supplements are: Melatonin (Sleep Inducer), 5-HTP (regulates sleep cycles and mood), California Rose (regulates anxiety), Ginkgo Biloba (improves the management of stress), Magnesium (nerve and muscle relaxant), L-Theanine and GABA (amino acids necessary to relax the nervous system), Passiflora (gentle relaxant), Glycine (improves attention and mental performance during the day), trace elements. It is important with any product that is consumed to make a supplement base with B vitamins, especially B5, B6, B12 as they are essential for sleep. Some interesting supplements you can find in Bio Brots: • Ergy Zen (Nutergia): Provides B vitamins and adaptogens that improve stress management and are natural anxiolytics, gaba, valerian and magnesium, zinc and copper. – Recommended in cases of a lot of stress and mental fatigue especially. • Melatovit (Marnys): Melatonin and group 6 vitamins, recommended together with Ergy Zen. • Phytonoct (Intersa): Contains Rosella and Magnolia, which help to relax the nervous system. Also melatonin, hops, lemon balm, B6 and L-Tryptophan – Recommended to relax the mind and be able to fall asleep more easily. • Dormibien (Zeus): Contains GABA which is indicated as relaxing and regulating sleep throughout the night. Melatonin stimulates sleep. Relaxants such as Rosella (Poppy) and L-theanine. – Recommended for insomnia in the first and second hours (difficult to fall asleep and you wake up at midnight). People with a very active and anxious mind. • Vectidorn (Nutergia): Contains melatonin, passion flower and group 6 vitamins – Especially indicated when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep. • Trancoligo (Plantis): Contains manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium. It may be necessary to take 1-5 bottles a day on an empty stomach. Leave the liquid under the tongue for 30 seconds. – Indicated in mental fatigue and stress. It is an important basic treatment for the disturbed nervous system. • Essential oils to massage your skin or take a hot bath in the afternoon-night: Melissa, basil, chamomile, lavender, mandarin, orange (azahar) sandalwood… (choose from 2 or 3 and add 2-3 drops to a dose of one tablespoon of almond oil.