Alterations in our mood

Many times, the onset of winter affects our mood in a very direct way. The decrease in sunlight and temperature makes many people feel sad, tired, sleepy, irritable and discouraged, as the first days of winter arrive.

These symptoms affect a large number of people and many experts believe that it could be due to a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates mood and prevents us from depression. The specific cause of this imbalance is that the days become shorter in winter and we receive less light. With darkness, the pineal gland in the brain produces melatonin, a hormone that makes us sleepy and that when we receive light stops producing, at which point we wake up again.

Serotonin also plays a role in these cases. Known as the feel-good hormone, some people tend to have low levels of serotonin during the winter, mainly caused by the excess production of melatonin and it makes them feel weak and depressed. During this period, our circadian rhythm (the body’s internal body clock) is therefore disrupted. This generates symptoms of insomnia, lethargy and/or anxiety.

There are several ways to combat these symptoms and feel better:

Aromatherapy is one of them: With it we can work on emotions through smell and send messages to our unconscious in order to change our mood.
Some essential oils, which stimulate or balance, are grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, geranium or mandarin. Just by inhaling (through inhalers) these aromas we can achieve a great improvement in our mood.

Other options that can help us:

Exercising outside is good because of the light and sun we get. If you do, it will help you change your mind. In addition, going out to exercise will improve serotonin levels.” A 30-minute walk at noon can do a lot for our mood.

· Fish fats are good for increasing the production of neurotransmitters, which is vital for improving brain chemistry, which keeps you alert and awake.
· Proteins prevent the energy level from falling. Eat three meals a day in a varied and complete way and make sure that you take protein, such as meat or fish, at each meal.
· Vitamin B is vital to boost our energy and promote the well-being of our nervous system when it needs it most. Specifically, vitamin B6 deficiency is common among people who suffer from depression. “The vitamin of the sun”, D, is also one of the most necessary in winter periods.
· Tyrosine is an essential amino acid that helps maintain a healthy level of motivation and enthusiasm, perfect for combating the winter slump.
· Zinc is necessary, like vitamin B, to maintain good mental health and high serotonin levels. We can find zinc in many types of food. For example, in chicken meat, or we can also take it with supplements, like almost all the products we’ve talked about.

With all these cases at BIO BROTS we can help you, and advise you on the best option for you, depending on your personal situation.

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