Girona organic
vegetables and fruit

All the fruit and vegetables you can find in Bio Brots are arisen from the ecological and certificated agriculture, neither GMOS nor pesticides, directly from our land workers. A lot of them are proximity products, collected in the morning and brought to the shop later in the afternoon on the same day.

We opt for a relationship with producers that go beyond the simple commercial relationship. We work together in order to avoid waste and have a huge variety of products. We want to give them the significance they merit because without them our project will not exist. Thanks to all of them!

Organic vegetables

Com a botiga ecològica, treballem dia a dia per generar sinergies positives entre els agricultors i el nostre punt de venda, BioBrots. D’aquesta manera podem oferir verdura de qualitat, certificada ecològicament i en molts casos, de l’hort a taula.

Local fruit

Diàriament, estem en contacte amb els agricultors per seguir els avenços de la temporada, és per aquest motiu que adaptem la nostra selecció de fruita en funció del moment de la temporada. D’aquesta manera garantim una oferta de fruita de proximitat real.

Organic fruit
and vegetables at home

BioBrots, your ecological supermarket, is easy. 

And you must arrive at your home with the products you need for your well-being. We are the eco-friendly shop of trust, and for this and given the opportunity to command at home by BioBrots whenever it is necessary. 

Trick for more information at +34 972 20 90 90 and information on the distribution routes that women.