Vegetable proteins + TOFU


Vegetable proteins include legumes, nuts, seeds, cereals and some algae such as spirulina. It is important to consume them in more quantity and frequency than animal proteins thanks to their contribution of healthy fats and fiber. It is for this reason that throughout history, man aware of this need has been developing products rich in amino acids of vegetable origin to further improve their contribution in a small amount of food. Tofu and seitan, concentrated proteins with all the benefits of the vegetable world that have their origin in China.

TOFU It is a vegetable protein that is prepared with soy, water and Nigari (magnesium chloride coagulant extracted from sea salt crystals through the evaporation of sea water). Known as the vegan cheese that is prepared by coagulating soy proteins. Off-white in color and soft in texture, with a neutral-sweet flavor that allows you to dress it up with all kinds of spices, medicinal herbs and other more intense flavors. It contains 10-14% of high-quality proteins with the 9 essential amino acids, a good source of vitamins E and B9, except B12, and minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc.

Benefits of TOFU

· Digestive problems: gastritis, digestive ulcers and heartburn. · Reduces cardiovascular risk: Rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, reducing cholesterol and saturated fats in the blood. · Memory: Rich in lecithin, being a great nutrient for the nervous system · Female hormonal regulator: Rich in phytoestrogens, helping with menopause changes (hot flashes, nervousness, insomnia…) and irregular cycles. · Rich in Potassium; being recommended in case of fluid retention, hypertension, muscle cramps (animal proteins are rich in sodium) · Slimming or cleansing diets: Low in fat and carbohydrates · Vegan and vegetarian diet. · Bone health: 100 mg of tofu provides 350 mg/calcium, similar to a glass of milk. · Anemia: 100 gr. of tofu provide 5.4 mg of iron, when 100 gr. beef provide 2.4 mg. To improve its absorption it is necessary to consume citrus fruit or vitamin C. · Rich in vitamin E, being recommended in cases of dermatitis, dry skin, infertility.

How to feed it

· Sauteed with tamari and parsley or other herbs or spices · Sauteed with vegetables · Miso soup with tofu · Cream of vegetables with tofu replacing the potato as a swordfish. · Desserts replacing cheese · Salads, always cooked for at least 20 minutes · You will find it in different formats: natural, fine herbs, smoked, nuggets, sausages… Dare to try different ones and you will be surprised by its magnificent taste.



Ingredients for 2 people: • 1 block of smoked tofu • Olive oil • 1 tablespoon of Sesame • 3 cloves of garlic cut into slices • A tablespoon of chopped parsley • 1 dessert teaspoon of Tamari Preparation: • Cut the tofu into sheets • In a pan with oil, sauté the sesame with crushed garlic and parsley for 1 minute. • Then add the tofu sheets and stir-fry for 5 minutes. • At the last minute, add a teaspoon of Tamari dessert and let it cook for 1 minute. • Serve

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