The Fermented

The human species has been making fermented foods for millennia, as it improves food preservation. Fermented, they are easier to digest, at the same time that they help to replenish the beneficial internal flora and reject or control that which can damage our health.

From the historical fossil record and food, it follows that humans have a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms housed in our gut for millions of years. We can have up to two kilograms of microbiota. This intestinal flora is related to how our brain responds: anxious, angry, nervous, calm…etc
Current food has been ignoring fermented foods, looking for more commercial life in food, faster preparation and eating, and there have been food changes that have not favored the microbiota. One way to recover good practices for the protection of our intestinal flora is the consumption of these foods, as they present a contribution of extra intestinal bacteria, which make them healthier.
There is more genetic diversity in our gut than in our entire body, this makes us more adaptable, so when these microorganisms are abundant, diverse and well-nourished, our bodies work better, are stronger and feel better.

We find the presence of ferments in various foods:

· Yoghurt, Kefir and cheeses
· Kombucha
· Sauerkraut
· Umeboshi
· Miso
· Tamari and shoyu
· Tempeh
· Amasake

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