Bio Supermarket

Bio Brots was born from the idea that a clean and sustainable diet is possible. The project is to bring customers fresh, healthy and CCPAE certificated products: vegetables, fruits, bread, meat and milk products, free from pesticides, GMOS and any kinds of drugs. This is the aim of our project.

Thanks to Brots de Vi, a restaurant- bistro that proposes natural and bio dynamics wines, we found out the importance of cooking without additions, and the product without pretentions and impurities. 

That is the way we want to roam together with our customers, because with your confidence and our compromise of doing it better, we can overcome the challenge: to make a good, tasty and healthy cooking possible.


Bio Brots goes beyond the definition of a store or supermarket; it is a commitment to your well-being and to the future of our planet. We offer organic products: eggs, flour, bread, milk, vegetables… with competitive prices because we believe that it is everyone’s right to eat healthily, with your well-being and with the future of the planet. Our selection includes the search for the best price, quality and ecological guarantees, to try to make them accessible to the greatest number of people possible.


d 1. Sustainability

Prioritise products and practices with minimal environmental impact, promoting the conservation of natural resources and waste reduction.

d 2. Healthy eating

Offer high quality and fresh food, promoting healthy and nutritious eating for our customers. 

d 3. Organic products

Select and promote organic products that are grown without pesticides or synthetic chemicals, promoting ecological agriculture that is more respectful of health and the environment.

d 4. Local community

Support local producers and regional suppliers to boost the local economy and reduce CO2 emissions associated with food transport.

d 5. Transparency

Provide clear information on the origin of products, their ingredients and production practices, allowing consumers to make informed decisions.

d 6. Environmental responsibility

Minimise the use of plastics, encouraging recycling and promoting reuse whenever possible.

d 7. Animal Welfare

Offer options for animal products from ethical and welfare-friendly farming, avoiding the use of antibiotics and hormones. 

d 8. Education

Provide information to customers about the benefits of organic products and sustainable practices to encourage more conscious consumption.

d 9. Innovation

Be vigilant in the search for sustainable alternatives and new technologies to improve efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of the store.

d 10. Social Impact

Contribute to the well-being of the community through donations, social responsibility programs and collaborations with local organizations.


At Bio Brots, your opinion is essential. If you have questions, suggestions or simply want to get in touch, do not hesitate to leave it here.

Our team is here to answer you.