Heavy and painful menstruation

The menstrual cycle is a very fine balance dominated by Estrogen and Progesterone, hormones synthesized in the ovaries. Estrogens have a lot of weight in women’s health: they regulate fat, the menstrual cycle, cardiovascular health, bone density and cell regeneration. But if they are in excess they can generate inflammation and pain.

Important minimum bases:

1. Balance the intestinal microbiota.

2. Not having high blood glucose levels.

3. Maintain good metabolic functioning of the liver.

4. Avoid contraceptive, hormonal, antibiotic treatments.

5. Avoid chronic stress.

6. Avoid poor sleep quality.

Excess estrogen doesn’t just cause pain: General inflammation, breast swelling, excessive nipple sensitivity, headache, mood swings, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, insomnia, fluid retention, cravings of sweeter food…

What can you do about it?



• Cruciferous vegetables and their sprouts: cabbage, broccoli, kale, arugula, Brussels sprouts, rhubarb, cauliflower… 1-2 cups a day. • Bitter leafy vegetables: by creating bile they help eliminate reabsorbed estrogens: rhubarb, dandelion, artichokes… • Omega 3: blue fish, hemp seeds, flax, chia… • Lignans: Ground flax or its oil, sesame : Rich in phytoestrogens that increase beneficial estrogens and decrease those that cause inflammation. Consume 1-2 tablespoons a day. • Magnesium: 500-1500 mg/day and with food you can increase cocoa, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews and kelp.



• Vegetables and non-organic animal products: They contain xenoestrogens that act like estrogen in the body. • Xenoestrogens: Disruptors that act like estrogen in the body and are present in many products such as shampoo, pesticides, herbicides, plastics, deodorants. For this reason it is important to consume organic products and the less packaging the better. • Soy: any soy derivative except organic tempeh and soy lecithin.

• Alcohol

• Contraceptives

• Stress


3. SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDED FOR MENSTRUAL PAIN: Basic treatments to keep hormones in good condition: • Oligen Dona (Ifigen): supply of omega 3 which is anti-inflammatory and basic nutrients to maintain a good menstrual cycle. This is ideal to take as a base treatment for at least 3 months. • PhytoEstrogen Plus EFA’s (Solaray): Regulates inflammation, pain and irregularities. Take 1 to 2 a day for a minimum of 3-4 months. • ERgyfem menstrual cycle (Nutergia): Composed of a synergy of plants indicated to provide comfort and well-being during menstruation and also in menopause. Take 20 ml with water outside meals. Take for a minimum of 3-4 months. • Vitex Agnus Castus (Solaray): A great hormone regulator and anti-inflammatory, as well as pain reliever. • Female (Bromatech): Regulator of the intestinal microbiota. Take 15 days.


Treatment of ovulation to menstruation to achieve anti-inflammatory effect:

• Sedative and anti-inflammatory infusions: For the infusions to be therapeutically functional, it is important to make 1-1.5 liters and sip it throughout the day. – Star anise: Sedative and anti-inflammatory. Boil for 5 minutes with the water. – Ginger: It is best to grind it in water and consume the crushed root directly. – Chamomile and Parsley: Especially indicated for menstrual cramps – Cinnamon: anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory and activates blood circulation in the area. • Ergycare/ Ergycox (Nutergia): Provides turmeric, a great anti-inflammatory. Consume mainly from ovulation to menstruation. Take 2 to 3 a day. • Evening primrose oil 500 mg (Sura vitasan): Rich in linoleic and linolenic fatty acids. Take 3 capsules a day with a meal. Especially consume from ovulation to menstruation. At Bio Brots, we help you find the best option for you.

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