Fatigue due to change of season

Spring always comes with more hours of light and heat, and sudden changes in weather and rain, often accompanied by tiredness and fatigue that can last from 15 days to a month.

The main symptomatology of a spring asthenia, now followed by the onset of summer, is mental fatigue, decreased concentration and memory, headache, insomnia, bad mood, physical and/or emotional apathy and poor appetite . These symptoms appear due to a need for purification and adaptation of the hypothalamus to the changes generated by this season (temperature, pressure, light, schedules…). This is responsible for releasing certain hormones and in particular endorphins, others. To better adapt to these changes it is important to take care of three pillars; proper nutrition, rest and physical activity:

1. Food:
a. RICH IN VEGETABLES, especially raw green leaves and FRUIT EVERY DAY! It is necessary to help drain the organism. b. Foods rich in TRYPTOPHEN; necessary for the formation of serotonin and melatonin: Salmon, eggs and organic dairy products. Also in legumes, whole grains, sesame (gomasi and tahini), avocado, banana and cocoa. c. Ensure a good value of MINERALS: Legumes, green leaves, algae and SPIRULINA. d. Vitamin C: Citrus fruits and the CAMU CAMU Superfood: 1 dessert spoon provides 400-600 mg of vitamin C. e. External aid: I. Pollen II. Phytotherapy that can help you: Panax Ginseng (adaptogen against stress), Elder (pulmonary and urinary detoxifier), Fumaria (depurative and draining). Ask our professionals, they will help you. III. Nutritional yeast IV. Spirulina f. Hydration: Between 2-2.5 liters a day in the form of mineral water. COCO water is a good ally in spring and summer, as thanks to its richness in electrolytes it is an isotonic drink that will compensate for mineral losses through sweat or perspiration. g. Have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed. h. Intermittent fasting (you can try not having dinner): You will help to purify and regenerate the body’s organs.

2. Night rest:
It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours to recover. A good way is to do meditation exercises before sleep, breaths and infusion of Passiflora. But if all these don’t work you can help yourself with a MELATONIN supplement to induce sleep.

3. Physical exercise:
Every day or at least 3 days a week, it is important to activate endorphins, improve circulation and detoxify the body.


1. In the morning, together with breakfast, make an orange or lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of camu camu coffee and pollen. 2. Lunch salads of green leaves such as endive, collard greens, lettuce… with vegetable or animal protein and easily digestible carbohydrates such as quinoa or basmati rice. Supplement with nutritional yeast. 3. During the afternoon, apart from the snack, drink coconut water or natural lemonade with camu camu. 4. Avoid dinner or make it light, such as a fresh pumpkin cream with diced hard-boiled egg and pumpkin pies with nutritional yeast. 5. Before going to bed make an infusion of Passiflora

This way the spring and summer seasons will be lighter.

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