Excessive hair loss and food

Hair, like the hair follicle, is part of the vital structures of our body, just like the skin and nails, it constantly regenerates and therefore its quality depends a lot on our long-term nutrition. It must be said that acute alopecia is not a symptom that usually depends on food, it is usually a hormonal, genetic or stress issue…

There are times of the year, prone to hair loss, just like the fall of leaves on a tree or plant, and this one occurs especially now entering autumn. (although it is also true that due to climate change this period can be moved forward, giving this fact at the end of summer) These cases are not of concern, since our body prepares for winter and needs to regenerate -se, thus exchanging old hair for one, of new growth.

But consistent hair loss can be due to the weakness of the hair follicle or the structure of the hair itself. The causes can be various:

• Toxic substances such as heavy metals, tobacco, excess alcohol, certain medications, blood pressure, depression and oral contraceptives. • Nutritional deficit due to strict diets or poor intestinal absorption (in this case it is accompanied by intestinal discomfort such as diarrhoea, acidity, flatulence…) If this is the case, the intestine must be healed. • Electromagnetic pollution. • Stress situations, postpartum. An extreme rise in cortisol weakens our defenses and nutrients, as they are consumed more quickly, to protect and recover from the situation.


To maintain good hair quality it is important to consume enough:

• Proteins: fish, egg, meat, dairy products, legumes, nuts, tofu, tempeh, hemp seeds, beans, quinoa… nutritional yeast (you can consume 3-4 tablespoons a day). • B vitamins, especially folic acid and biotin: Green vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, spinach, Swiss chard, celery, artichoke, endive… except nutritional yeast. • Minerals such as selenium, zinc, copper: Brazil nuts (3 a day), seafood, pumpkin pies (2 tablespoons a day), whole grains, nutritional yeast. • Iron (one of the most common causes and which helps improve hair pigmentation and scalp oxygenation: seafood, especially clams, mussels, cockles…legumes, beetroot, pistachios, parsley, spinach, Swiss chard, red meat, egg yolk ‘sulphur, methionine and cysteine ​​(precursors of keratin necessary to maintain a good hair structure). These mainly decrease with age, as they have to do with collagen: onion, garlic, cauliflower , broccoli, organic eggs, cheddar and parmesan cheese • Magnesium: it is one of the most important minerals in the scalp, which is the cause of strong hair meats, eggs, cured cheeses, seafood, nutritional yeast This mineral also helps to reduce the harmful effect of electromagnetic pollution on our cells quality such as blue fish, avocado, nuts, oilseeds, ghee, quality butter, coconut oil, sunflower oil Vitamin D deficiency. • Water! Important for good hydration.


You must avoid certain foods that weaken the hair:

• Caffeine and stimulants that increase stress. • Excess saturated fat. • Excessive sugary drinks. • Excess sugars: Decreases stress management and decreases magnesium and B vitamins in the body. • Alcohol and tobacco. • Heavy metals in excess: blue fish (especially tuna, swordfish and salmon) and shellfish are rich in Mercury. It is better to consume blue fish such as anchovies, sardines, mackerel… Excess rice is also a cereal that provides Arsenic. • Excess salt: it can dry it out, lose volume, slow down growth and accelerate shedding.


Some supplements that can help you:

• Collagen Keratin (Solaray): Highly recommended for women at the stage of menopause where collagen decreases and also for people who need extra collagen and notice that the skin and nails are weak and without structure . • Vital Capilar (Sura Vitasan): Rich in fatty acids, B vitamins, selenium, copper and sulphurous amino acids and vitamin D. indicated in times of stress or times when food is not sufficient. • Vectiregen (Nutergia): Rich in amino acids to create collagen, zinc and magnesium. Indicated when the hair looks weak and without structure and there are symptoms of low defenses, low vitality, weak or excessively contracted muscles. • Skin, Nails and Hair by Solgar, MSM, with vitamin C, Zinc and amino acids, highly recommended for temporary hair loss. • Brewer’s yeast from Plantis. • Intersa phytonomist. • Hair Fortyl vials. • Revitalizing biotin shampoos.

At Bio Brots, we help you find the best option for you.

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