The Winery

Wines, cavas,
craft beer and kombuchas

The wines you can find in Bio Brots are with history, tradition, illusion, effort and passion. They are the result of the great effort of men and women that day by day work in the vineyard, that follow the wines since the day from brewing the grape juice until the bottling. They treat wines as part of their life.

The greatness of wine is the direct reflection of its land and of how the winegrowers understand the vineyard. Some in an ecological way, some in a bio dynamic one, others in a more natural way. All of them want their wine to be enjoyable and to transmit their roots through it. 

At Bio Brots, we want to bring you the wines to enjoy, to learn, to thrill and especially to involve yourself in our way to understand the winegrowers. 

Natural wines
and organic cava in Girona

T’animem a explorar la nostra oferta de vins naturals i cava ecològic a BioBrots, el teu supermercat ecològic de confiança. El nostre equip d’experts està a la teva disposició per assessorar-te d’acord amb els teus gustos i preferències. T’hi esperem!

cellar at

BioBrots, your ecological supermarket, is easy. 

And you must arrive at your home with the products you need for your well-being. We are the eco-friendly shop of trust, and for this and given the opportunity to command at home by BioBrots whenever it is necessary. 

Trick for more information at +34 972 20 90 90 and information on the distribution routes that women.