Carnisseria al tall

Butcher shop

All the meat you can find in Bio Brots come from  the free-range autochthon animals raised during the time when they need to grow up naturally, and especially WITHOUT:

d Drugs


d Pesticides

d Hormones

d Preservatives

d Dyes

d Additives

Això fa que la carn sigui més gustosa, més nutritiva, més saludable i que amb poca quantitat el cos absorbeixi la proteïna que necessita.

Local meat

The livestock is strictly linked to the land, with the effort and the commitment, with a special care for the environment and the maximum respect for the animal health.

Veal: from Catalan Pyrenees and pre Pyrenees

Chicken: from Plà del Estany and Empordà

Lamb: arisen from Catalan pre Pyrenees and Empordà

Pork: from Catalan pre Pyrenees and Lleida

Rabbit: from Alt Penedès

Turkey: from Empordà and Gironès

Black Chicken from Penedès: from Catalan pre Pyrenees

Horseflesh: from Catalan pre Pyrenees

organic meat
at home

BioBrots, your ecological supermarket, is easy. 

And you must arrive at your home with the products you need for your well-being. We are the eco-friendly shop of trust, and for this and given the opportunity to command at home by BioBrots whenever it is necessary. 

Trick for more information at +34 972 20 90 90 and information on the distribution routes that women.