Feeling tired, inflamed and losing hair? Listen to your liver

In recent winters we are more concerned about our defenses and it is really important to be responsible for our health to improve the response of the immune system. We are lucky that we can prevent typical winter illnesses, especially all types of flu, with our diet and with some natural supplement.

Spring demands our liver. Which has more than 500 functions in our body and among them some are the detoxification of the body, the digestion of fats and the management of changes in rhythms and schedules. For this reason it is necessary that it is in the best conditions and has the necessary nutrients and thus avoid the common symptoms of spring, many caused by its malfunction. The liver has two cleansing phases: The first requires specific enzymes to neutralize the different toxins, hormones and medicines and thus make them soluble to facilitate their elimination. In this phase it is important to have a good store of antioxidants to protect the liver from these toxins. In the second phase, these toxins are removed from the body. It is done with other enzymes and nutrients that bind them with the bile salts and thus are eliminated through the feces.

The overloaded liver generates different symptoms, which are mainly manifested in the spring:
• Tiredness and difficulty waking up • Migraines or headaches • Constipation • Hair loss and weak nails • Neck and trapezius tension • Sinusitis or allergies • Dark circles under the eyes • Skin problems • Retention of liquid • Difficulty digesting fats • High cholesterol • Stronger PMS • Emotional irritability

Nutrition, physical activity and stress management are the most important pillars. In this article we will emphasize food:
1. Diet free of sugars, refined flours, fatty meats, sausages, salty foods, excess dairy and alcohol. 2. Diet rich in raw green leaves, sprouts, broccoli, spring onions, garlic, seaweed, artichoke, bitter vegetables, liver infusions and above all good water consumption 3. Dandelion infusions (Taraxacum Officinale): Decongests the liver, removes toxins and enhances the release of bile improving digestion. It also has a diuretic effect. 4. Chlorella Algae: Unicellular microalgae, chelator of heavy metals so dangerous for our brain and hormonal health. It is taken in powder or tablets. 5. Seaweed: Cochayuyo, wakame, Nori: these are algae with a high soluble fiber content, they absorb toxins from the intestine to eliminate them with the feces. Consuming them every day with a meal ensures good evacuation and, therefore, less reabsorption of toxins by the liver. 6. N-Acetyl cysteine ​​(NAC): Glutathione precursor enzyme (one of the most important antioxidants at the cellular level). Cellular detoxifier of heavy metals and toxins making the cell have better breathing and vitality. It is taken in tablets or with foods rich in Cysteine, which is the precursor amino acid: garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, beans, brown rice, oats, oilseeds, fermented soy such as tempeh, alga cochayuyo. 7. Milk thistle (Silybum Marianum). Contains silymarin, cleanses and regenerates the liver! Very useful when there are disorders with the digestion of fats, high cholesterol, fatty liver, liver failure… This plant enhances the effect of glutathione and NAC which are antioxidants. Apart from being a great liver anti-inflammatory.

On a supplementary level, at Bio Brots you can find everything mentioned above and:
• SUPRARENAL DESMODIUM / ERGY EPUR / GREEN’FLOR by Nutergia Laboratorios • LYNPHA DETOX by Plantis • BITRANSAMIN (artichoke, desmodium, black radish, milk thistle) • LIQUID CHLORELLA by INTERSA

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