Increase your children’s defenses

With the return to school and the first cold weather, colds, mucus, bronchitis and other infections are approaching. For this reason it is important to start preventing before curing.

Thus, it is necessary to start nourishing the children’s immune system, since it is still immature, by establishing basic eating habits: • Consume 4-5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, of which at least two must be raw. • Consume complete and integral cereals (brown rice, quality organic breads, quinoa, beans, oats) avoiding refined ones (industrial breads and made with low-quality yeast, low-quality pasta…) • Increase the consumption of legumes to 2-3 days a week and reduce fat consumption. • Increase the consumption of raw nuts and healthy vegetable fats such as virgin olive oil, seeds such as sesame, pumpkin seeds… • Decrease sugars and stimulants such as sugary drinks, chocolates and breakfasts rich in sugar.. • Give importance to intestinal health by avoiding constipation, gas, abdominal inflammation, diarrhea… In addition, we can incorporate an extra with a simple habit that will be easy, delicious and comfortable for them every morning or afternoon. In this case we are referring to Zinc and vitamin C (currently scarce due to food and soil impoverishment due to unsustainable crops that denourish the earth). MANGO/PEACH AND LEMON SLIPPED RECIPE WITH POLLEN

• 1 mango or 2 peaches • 1 juiced lemon • 1 spoonful of pollen dessert • Complement of your choice Preparation : • Peel and remove the pulp from the mango or peaches • Squeeze a lemon • Beat the mango with the juice of the lemon, the pollen and the supplement you consider

Pollen and zinc will help us to:
• Improve vitality and energy (very specific for when there is constant fatigue). • Increase concentration and attention. • Improve sports performance, tone muscles and avoid injuries and pain. • Improve wound healing. • Improve visual acuity. • Increase defenses especially in cases of infections, colds, otitis, angina…

Mango with lemon and vitamin C will help us to:
• Face the day with excitement and energy. • Increase defenses against all kinds of infections. • Improve and/or avoid chronic anemias. • It is a great antioxidant, so it prevents the aging of cells in the face of both physical and mental stress. • Improve bleeding gums and oral inflammation. • Improve cerebral blood flow helping you feel more alert and mentally agile.

Complements that add to its effect:
• Cinnamon powder: Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal. Indicated in children who are cold, have a sweet tooth and have a tendency to fungus. • Ginger powder or juice: One of the best natural antibiotics, recommended for delicate stomachs, discomfort, nausea, intestinal problems, colds, coughs. • Wheat germ: Rich in zinc and vitamin E that strengthens the mucous membranes, one of the first barriers of the immune system. Recommended for skin infections, dermatitis, eczema…

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