Heavy and painful menstruation
The menstrual cycle is a very fine balance dominated by Estrogen and Progesterone, hormones synthesized in the ovaries. Estrogens have a lot of weight in women’s health: they regulate fat, the menstrual cycle, cardiovascular health, bone density and cell regeneration. But if they are in exc
Menstruació abundant i dolorosa
El cicle menstrual és un equilibri molt fi on predominen els Estrògens i la Progesterona, unes hormones sintetitzades als ovaris. Els estrògens tenen molt de pes dins la salut de la dona: regulen la grassa, el cicle menstrual, salut cardiovascular, densitat òssia i regeneració cel·lular. Pe
do you have insomnia
Insomnia is considered in cases of: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep or when sleep is not of good quality. If it is insomnia for days or weeks, it may be due to stress or changes in the environment, but if it is chronic (lasting more than three months) it must be treated and s