
The menstrual cycle is a very fine balance dominated by Estrogen and Progesterone, hormones synthesized in the ovaries. Estrogens have a lot of weight in women’s health: they

Insomnia is considered in cases of: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep or when sleep is not of good quality. If it is insomnia for days or weeks, it may be due to

With the arrival of the first cold and wet weather, we often suffer some kind of pain: headache, joint pain, back pain, inflammation… anything we can do to temporarily allevi

Hair, like the hair follicle, is part of the vital structures of our body, just like the skin and nails, it constantly regenerates and therefore its quality depends a lot on our lo

Spring always comes with more hours of light and heat, and sudden changes in weather and rain, often accompanied by tiredness and fatigue that can last from 15 days to a month. The

For those of you who love ALTERNATIVES and VEGETABLE PROTEIN… At Bio Brots, you will find a wide variety of fresh products, made by us, with all the necessary nutrients to co

Caring for the planet should be one of our vital priorities. And this is possible, if each of us does what is within our reach. We have seen it with the stoppage of movement during

We start winter, and we need to have a strong immune system, and rich intestinal flora, for many reasons: to cope with viral pathologies, and to maintain optimal intestinal and men

The current mobility of people between countries also causes a movement and a mutation of the virus, and together with sudden changes in temperatures has caused a drastic increase

Winter with the arrival of the cold, it’s time to gather, nourish and rest, store renal energy. Our body asks us to warm up and make slow movements, just like nature, where e

At Bio Brots we look for solutions to the demands of our customers. That is why we have incorporated a new line of oncocosmetics to bring better times to difficult health. Nutritio

Food is an important support in the face of an oncological process, as it can help reduce the side effects of treatment and improve immunity. It is proven that a good diet is synon

With the return to school and the first cold weather, colds, mucus, bronchitis and other infections are approaching. For this reason it is important to start preventing before curi

The reusable alternative to plastic film and aluminum foil! From now on, your food will be protected by organic cotton, beeswax, jojoba oil and pine resin, so they can breathe and

Fasting is one of the only food treatments that has been maintained over time thanks to its effectiveness against health imbalances. But it is not always possible to follow a total

In order to maintain a young and luminous skin before, during and after the summer it is important to maintain hydration and give each face what suits it best. Our skin is exposed

VEGETABLE PROTEINS Vegetable proteins include legumes, nuts, seeds, cereals and some algae such as spirulina. It is important to consume them in greater quantity and frequency than

The sudden change in temperatures has caused a drastic increase in the number of colds and coincided with a peak of the flu epidemic. The two diseases should not be confused, but b